When you need a bag to just throw all your things into, a duffle type may be the best option. I don’t normally use them because I like things with wheels. However, the more modern designs sport the duffle look with wheels. Because of this, I’m thinking about getting “on board” way more seriously.
Duffle bags generally look like gym bags, so I don’t use them to carry my clothing when I’m traveling. I always think they will end up wrinkled because of the soft sides and lack of structure. That’s not to say duffle bags don’t have their uses, but they’re not for everyone and you’re about to find out why.
Biggest Pros
The best part about duffle bags is they’re all about room. The middle compartment is always the largest, and no matter how many pockets there are outside, they can usually hold a huge amount on the inside. My husband prefers duffels to rolling suitcases because he can throw all his things inside without having to worry about being organized or “wrinkle” free. What can I say, I guess it’s a man’s thing!
The huge amount of space inside is one such pro with a bag like the Samsonite Tote-a-Ton I reviewed here. It can be opened from side to side and filled in every corner with whatever you’re packing. It also raises the point that duffels don’t have to be used just for travel, they can also serve as a storage receptacle for things that shouldn’t be thrown in a box.
Duffels That Rrrrrrooooooolllllll
If I were to use a duffle, I would stick with one of the options like the Olympia Luggage Rolling Duffle because it has a ton of exterior pockets that allow me to organize all the contents. There is one large pocket and several others of varying sizes for which can be used for chargers, toiletries, important documents and more. In fact, I have learned there are plenty of ways to get your life organized if you opt to go with a duffle.
Duffle Flex
Duffels also have the added bonus of being more flexible than other options like hard shell bags. This means if you do decide to take one on a plane it’s likely to squeeze into a tight overhead compartment, whereas a carryon doesn’t have much “give”.
Fancy Schmancy And Still A Duffle
The one exception to all of this is the Cenzo Duffle Weekender Bag because it is in no way a gym bag.
The Cenzo is all about luggage for travel, and it’s a beautiful piece of construction at that. This would probably be the duffle for my husband to use because it has genuine materials as well as a large center so he can still “throw” what he’s packing into it.
Duffle Shuffle
While duffels offer a whole lot of space in order to keep contents of all kinds, they would not be my “go to” if we were going on a plane. I do like that they’re flexible and have a lot of space inside but for me, this type of bag will only ever get used on a car trip where I have can make sure it’s not squashed in.
As said, my husband is more than happy to use a duffle bag but I have my reservations. Basically, it’s just a difference in preference, and my small size and organizational obsession makes me way more comfortable with a rolling bag that isn’t going to topple me over if it’s full of heavy things.